Avoid the Icarus trap: Why you shouldn’t write your own content
I recently came across a post on Instagram that used the analogy of Icarus flying too close to the sun to describe what it’s like to write your own content. It struck a chord with me because it’s so true. Writing your own content can feel like you’re doing everything right - until you get too close and things start to go wrong.
What could possibly go wrong? It’s easy to become blinded by our closeness to our brand and that closeness often ends up with us either dulling ourselves down or missing crucial errors.
In the story of Icarus, he thought he had full control over his wings, but his proximity to the sun caused them to melt, and down he went.
Creating content for your own business can feel the same way. The closer you are, the harder it becomes to take an objective look at what you’re producing. It’s harder to spot mistakes, and you might even unintentionally undersell yourself due to imposter syndrome or modesty.
This got me thinking about the importance of letting someone else handle or at least proof your content.
As much as we think we know our own business better than anyone else, when it comes to writing for ourselves, we often get too close, and it’s easy to lose perspective.
Here’s why having someone else create or review your content can be a game-changer for your business.
Fresh eyes bring clarity
The first thing to acknowledge is that when you’re knee-deep in your own business, it’s tough to see things clearly. You know your business inside and out, but that familiarity can sometimes blur your ability to communicate clearly to others.
It might come across as obvious to you, but that’s often not the case for your audience.
Having someone else look at your content brings a fresh perspective and allows for a more objective, clear message to emerge.
Professional content writers (like me) are here to help you filter your brand’s message into something that resonates not only with your audience but also stays aligned with your brand’s tone and goals. It’s much easier to get to the heart of what your audience cares about when you’re not clouded by your own proximity to the work.
Overcoming modesty and imposter syndrome
One of the reasons I love writing for others is because it allows me to showcase their expertise in ways they might not feel comfortable doing themselves. When I’m hired as a content writer, I don’t just put words on a page - I become your biggest cheerleader.
When it comes to writing our own content, there’s this tendency for us all to underplay our strengths. We’re often too modest or deal with imposter syndrome, fearing that we’ll come across as arrogant or that people won’t take us seriously.
But if we know we’re great at something, why aren’t we shouting about it?!
When someone else is writing your content, they can highlight your achievements and strengths in a way that feels natural and authentic, without that internal filter holding them back. It’s so much easier for someone else to champion your expertise, and that’s what builds trust and credibility with your audience.
Catching mistakes you’ll likely miss
It’s a universal truth: no matter how good of a writer you are, it’s tough to catch your own mistakes. In fact, I just went back to a previous blog and corrected a typo before I started writing this (I’m human!).
I’ve seen it time and time again - clients hand me their content, and even though it’s well-written, it’s riddled with small errors they’ve simply become blind to. This is why proofreading and editing services are so essential, even if you prefer to write your own content.
When you’re too close to the work, you might overlook simple things like typos, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing. An external writer or editor can come in with a fresh perspective and ensure your content is polished and professional. It’s a small investment that can make a big difference in how your business is perceived.
Avoiding overcomplicated messaging
Because you know the ins and outs of your business, it’s easy to get caught up in the details and overcomplicate your message.
I’ve seen this happen a lot when business owners try to write their own content. They have so much knowledge that they can’t help but dive deep and try to explain everything, but this can easily confuse and overload readers, or dilute the main point.
As a content writer, my job is to simplify your message, making it more concise and engaging while still communicating the key information your audience needs. I’m in a position that enables me to step back and identify what’s most important, ensuring your message is clear and easy to understand.
Saving time to focus on what you do best
Let’s be honest - writing is time-consuming. Even if you enjoy it, it takes time and it takes focus, which are two things most business owners don’t have in abundance.
I’ve had clients tell me that by outsourcing their content creation, they were able to spend more time focusing on the parts of their business they love, whether that’s product development, working with their clients, or growing their brand.
By letting a professional handle your blog writing or content creation, you’re freeing up time to focus on what you do best while ensuring your business stays visible and active online. It’s a win-win.
SEO and visibility matter more than you think
Writing content isn’t just about getting words on the page - it’s about getting those words in front of the right audience. This is where SEO-optimised blogs come into play.
A content writer who understands SEO can craft content that ranks higher on search engines, which will result in driving more traffic to your website.
This is something I specialise in - SEO-friendly blog writing that not only resonates with readers but also boosts your online visibility. And if you’re writing your own content, having someone review it to ensure it’s optimised for SEO can make a huge difference in the results you see.
Let someone else help your brand to soar
If you’re trying to write your own content and feeling like Icarus flying too close to the sun, it might be time to let someone else help.
Whether you’re looking for someone to create SEO-optimised blogs or need proofreading and editing support to polish your own writing, bringing in an external professional can make all the difference in how your brand is perceived and how well your content performs.
Ready to take your content to the next level? Let’s chat about how I can help your business soar.